America. Unlimited.
Foundations for Progress and Prosperity
While there is obviously an extensive, seemingly infinite number of policy issues that require the careful and considered attention of the President, there are a few core proposals that I hope my campaign can serve as an advocate for. Additionally, I submit to you several core principles that I believe must be components of any process used to come to policy outcomes. I firmly believe that these core proposals and principals, if implemented, will improve both the way folks perceive how their government works for them and the actual outcomes that the government delivers to them.
1. Constitutional Proposal
a. Campaign finance amendment to reflect a clear choice of the people that freedom of speech is a universal good, irrespective of the wealth of she who speaks. This will ensure that the Supreme Court will have the means to uphold meaningful campaign finance limits without an undesirable contortion of the language of the first amendment.
2. Principles for Decision-Making Process
a. Representation of all. Consider the following: Several people are sitting around a table and A decides to ask everyone about which team they hope will win the Super Bowl because he is making a bet with a friend. A states he hopes the Cleveland Browns will win, then asks B, C, D, and E who they think will win. B responds that she is rooting for the Miami Dolphins. C notes that he will be rooting for the Detroit Lions. D doesn't see how any team except the Green Bay Packers will win. Lastly, E is willing to bet that the Philadelphia Eagles will take the title. If I asked you how many folks were present, then you would answer five and you would do so because that is how many people spoke - A, plus the four who responded. However, what if F and G were sitting at the table, but A did not ask them for their opinion? You would not know where they stood, nor would you know to consider their views in the final decision. Imagine, now, that B, C, D, and E all answered that the Carolina Panthers would win, but F and G believe that the Minnesota Vikings will win. Unless A consulted everyone, he would be under the incorrect impression that it was unanimous that the Panthers were the team to pick.
The point of this is to emphasize the importance of including as many people as possible in the decision-making process to ensure that you are presented with an accurate depiction of what potential policy outcomes may be. Far too often we see politicians, driven by electoral pressures, double down on their familiar "coalitions" and deprive themselves of the opportunity to make decisions benefiting the maximum number of groups. This is not to say that there are not winners and losers in each policy decision, but if the process is representative, then you will be much more likely to come to the best balance possible.
b. Transparency of values, process, and goal. The benefit of this should be fairly obvious. If it is clear from the beginning what values are implicated by a given policy decision, how the process of making a decision will be governed, and what the ultimate goal of that process is, then citizens will be equipped to play an oversight role on our governmental institutions. For example, if the actual result of a decision seems to be in direct opposition to the value a politician claimed to be invoking, then one might well infer that the politician is not being truthful about their intentions. Furthermore, if politicians set out procedures ahead of time and then deviate from such process without good reason, then citizens will have a baked-in warning system that allows them to critically evaluate whether those involved are truly working for their benefit.
c. Deliberation on equal footing. This speaks to the need for opposing parties to move beyond rhetoric to a point where they can come to an agreement about what it is they are even deciding. Currently, politicians on both sides of the aisle talk past one another and miss the opportunity to understand where the other is coming from and what they see as the actual issue at play. Thus, if parties can engage in meaningful dialogue with no information asymmetries and a common understanding of what their disagreement is over, then we can move beyond the current stagnation to a point of robust, yet productive debate and decision-making.
It is important to note that the principles listed above transcend policy. They are not only applicable to decisions on climate change, healthcare, or job growth, but, rather, help to ensure that the process employed to make any policy decision is one designed to reach an optimal and equitable policy outcome. Overall, these proposal and principles put our great country on a better path towards progress and prosperity for all. If my campaign can cause enough of a stir to get the attention of major candidates, then perhaps we can induce them to adopt some or all of these proposals and to implement some or all of these principles in their day-to-day work as decision-makers. If you have any questions for me regarding these proposals or principles, then please do not hesitate to contact me via the "Submit Your Questions" tab above. I will do my best to respond to each inquiry with a personal response tailored to your specific question. Thank you.